Adoption Fees

We DO NOT offer payment plans

Adoption rates (as of June 2024): 


**Sponsored dogs have reduced adoption rates; dogs with special needs may have lower adoption rates; special/rare breeds may have higher adoption rates; dogs coming from abroad may have higher adoption rates**


**Sponsored cats have reduced adoption rates; cats with special needs may have lower adoption rates; special/rare breeds may have higher adoption rates; cats coming from abroad may have higher adoption rates**

Other Cost Considerations


The transition into a new home can be a stressful and scary experience for even the most well-adjusted dog. During this time, your dog is more likely to be a flight risk and extra caution should be taken to secure them at all times.  

In addition to the adoption fee, families must arrive to their scheduled pick-up day with the following safety supplies: 


As a foster-to-adopt family, you’ll be expected to take your new family member home once approved. You will then have two weeks to get to know your furry house guest before committing to adoption. At the end of two weeks, if you choose not to move forward with adoption, we simply ask that you continue to provide a safe and loving home until their new forever family can be found.

Foster-to-adopt families will be required to pay the entire adoption fee up front once approved with DFBH. If at the end of two weeks you choose not to adopt, your adoption fee will be refunded to you within 30 days of your foster dog being adopted into a new family AS LONG AS  you see your foster dog through to adoption. If you choose not to see your foster dog through to adoption, you will forfeit your payment.

Foster-to-adopt families are required to provide their own supplies and must arrive to pick up with the required supplies (see above “Other Cost Considerations”).


Lost cat prevention is of the utmost importance at DFBH. There is a zero tolerance policy for any outdoor activity for your new cat. If this is not something you plan to adhere to after adoption, please do not adopt an INDOOR ONLY cat from DFBH. 

Our rescue cats are frightened during their transition into a new home and are major flight risks. All doors and windows must be secured; if children are going in and out of the home frequently and leaving the door open, it is your responsibly to ensure your cat is safe and has not escaped. 

Adoptive families are encouraged to purchase the following items prior to bringing their new kitty home: 

*A cat tree/tower/climber

*At least one litter box per cat, placed away from where they eat and drink

*Cat toys

*A quick release collar with an ID tag - these can be purchased at any pet store and should be engraved with your phone number and the cat’s chosen name.

*Products (e.g., Feliway plug-ins) can help to reduce anxiety in felines by releasing calming pheromones, although not necessary for adoption - we may strongly recommend them in certain cases. 

*All families will be required to have a TRACTIVE GPS tracker for their cat's collar (see GPS TRACKING for more info) 

These items will ensure your cat is happy, calm, and/or stimulated, creating a more enriched environment, thus, reducing his/her risk of escaping. 


As a foster-to-adopt family, you’ll be expected to take your new family member home once approved. You will then have two weeks to get to know your furry house guest before committing to adoption. At the end of two weeks, if you choose not to move forward with adoption, we simply ask that you continue to provide a safe and loving home until their new forever family can be found.

Foster-to-adopt families will be required to pay the entire adoption fee up front once approved with DFBH. If at the end of two weeks you choose not to adopt, your adoption fee will be refunded to you within 30 days of your foster cat being adopted into a new family AS LONG AS  you see your foster cat through to adoption. If you choose not to see your foster cat through to adoption, you will forfeit your payment.

Foster-to-adopt families are required to provide their own supplies (see above “Other Cost Considerations”). Carriers are always provided on pick up


We strongly recommend activating pet insurance as this can greatly reduce your financial investment in medical/emergency care throughout your pet's life. We also believe purchasing pet insurance is in the best interest of your pet, as you will be able to cover any treatments necessary to keep your pet healthy and happy without worrying about finances. You can discuss this further with a member of our team.